Sunday, September 7, 2008

What Do You Do?!

Almost 3 weeks old and they dont stop crying! You have changed the diaper, fed them, burped them and given mylacon drops!!!! Do you shut the door and let them cry or do you make yourself crazy trying to figure out whats wrong and hold both babies at once? What would YOU do?


Anonymous said...

If you are at your witts end let them cry. Its better to let them cry than cause them harm! :)
Hang in there! There will be a light at the end of the tunnel! I promise! H

The Turners said...

Are they on any formula? or only breastmilk? They could be fussy from formula- amaybe switch to another? otherwise crying it out might help- but that's hard to do when they're so young- do they enjoy the swing or bouncy seat? I remeber holding one and bouncing the other- at first you just have to do whatever works for you. I know it's hard to hear them cry, though- but you need to rule out any pain- then maybe let them cry for awhile.
It does get better!
Heather T.

Joanna said...

Shut the door and let them cry! And make yourself some food. Because I'm sure you don't have time to eat. Sometimes that's all you can do. I think either they're crying on their own and you stay a little sane, or they're crying in your arms and you're both stressed. Just my opinion. :)
By the way, mine's a crier too. Mylicon drops, gripe water, pilates ball to bounce on. That's how I cope. :)

The Turners said...

I just saw your reply on my blog- it seems like they are hungry? I applaud you for continuing with breast feeding- I couldn't with the boys! I just wish babies could turn to us and say what's wrong! It's so hard to interpret their cries! If formula helps them sleep longer, then go for it! The first few months are such a Survival Mode time- I did whatever it took to get them to sleep so I could get some sleep! I wanted to get them on a sort of schedule- but it's so hard with two- people don't realize it until you have two babies! Just do what works for you- we eventually got the boys on a sleep schedule and let them :
"cry it out" and learn to put themsleves to sleep- but not right away! I always thought it was funny, too when people said "you need to sleep when the baby sleeps" well when you have 2 babies- one seems to always be awake!! I know I keep saying it will get better- you might not believe me now, but it WILL!
Heather T
ps I also remembered we'd use Gripe Water and mylecon drops- they sell it at Rite Aid and health food stores- it's like ginger/anise water- totally safe for babies!

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about twins, but Luke cried for 4 weeks straight. He would cry like was hungry, so naturally I fed him more. That didn't help him. He would also pull his knees to his chest. Finally I couldn't see him like this anymore. The doctor's said it would pass, but one Friday night I was at my wits and sent my sister to get some soy formula (rec. by a friend). It was easy on his stomach. Within a few days I felt like I had a new baby. You gotta do what works. hang in there!