Friday, September 5, 2008

How Good Is God!!

Man, let me just tell you how good God is, in case you did not know! Lets start with Tues night I ended up in the ER at midnight. I was bleeding extremely bad and it just kept going. My friend, Tamona, picked me up so Nick could stay with the girls. My amazing friend, Jen, met me there and was my personal nurse. How awesome is God. Ok so things are better now, however I am in an extreme pain. I am trying to take it easy, but that does not go well with me. Anyways, today was a hard day. The pain is not getting better, Flip and Flop are NOT sleeping ( I went to bed at 4 30am) and Peanut is great, but work! Nick and I are just at the end of our rope. No more to give. Its 7: 15pm and Nick says we should of called our neighbors a couple of hours ago to see if Peanut could of gone over to play but we didnt so oh well. Nick was eating chicken and our dog, Max, wanted the bone and I said sorry Max no chicken bones for you. Then a few min later there is a knock at our door. Its our neighbor holding a zip lock bag of steak bones for Max and wanted to know if Taylor could play for a bit :) Praise the Lord!!! So now Nick and I sit on the couch doing nothing while Max is outside eating his bones , Taylor across the street playing and the twins chillin in the pack and play. How cool is God :)


Jen said...

How awesome is that?!? Best of luck settling in with the twins. It will get easier. And I'm hoping you feel better soon as well. :)

The Turners said...

God is good! I pray your pain goes away soon! When the boys were babies- we would put one in a swing and bounce the other in a bouncy seat until they fell alseep- it was the only way they'd sleep and then we could sleep. Even with two it does get easier- but I know there are times when you can't see the "Light at the end of the tunnel" we're praying for you!
Heather T.