Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Flying Solo...

Well today is Nick's first day back at work since Jordan and Alexis has been born. Last night we told Peanut daddy had to go back to work and it went downhilll from there. She cried and kept saying she would miss him and was just so heart broken. This went on all night. Needless to say she ended up in bed with us. On top of all of that, the twins refused to sleep. I got maybe three hours last night and Taylor got up too. She stayed up with us and would not go back to sleep. It was a mess. All I could think was in the morning I would take her to school and me and the babies could sleep since thats when they sleep best. Well that was too much to ask for. Taylor decided she did not want to go to school (which amazed me since that is all she talks about and looks forward too) She balled her head off saying she would miss me too much and wanted to stay home! So she is home, twins asleep and I'm not!! LOL. Just a few minutes ago Peanut said she did not want to go to school anymore!!! What in the world is going on?! My kids have all lost their mind and I'm not far behind!!!!

1 comment:

The Turners said...

Adding one baby to a family causes craziness- adding two? well, you know! Your families' world is going to be topsy-turvy for a while. Is there anyone who can come help you-even just to hold a baby or keep Taylor busy? Sometimes- even still- I'll load evryone in the car and go for a drive- turn up some loud music- grab food from a drive-thru and just drive and sing- anything to get a little break- even though I know all you want is sleep! Hang in there~
Heather T.