Thursday, July 17, 2008


Ahhhh, its almost 9am and my house is quiet!! My husband is at work and my kiddo at school!! All I hear is the clicking of they keys as I type :) Life has been a whirlwind which I know is only going to become an F5! I pretty much have everything done in the girls room (except to pick up crib). I am currently planning Peanuts 4th bday party for next Sat, looking for a car to fit 3 carseats and trying to not have to many contractions in the process!! I will be 33 weeks tom. and I need to hang in until 36! I need to now by some maternity pants since they have decided to get out of my ribs and drop down. However, dont have much longer to go!! Well just checkin in. Time to enjoy my quietness.

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