Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Countdown Begins....

Last weekend I went to Fresno for my second baby shower (pics to come)! Man, although I thought the drive was going to kill me it was a great time. I was so blessed to have my friends and family shower me with gifts :) I got a chance to reconnect with some friends I have not seen in years and it was great! I got lots of great stuff tons of gift cards. So now this Fri I will be 31 weeks and ready to get these girls OUT!!! LOL!! The nursery is done (well painted, no furniture) but they dont need a crib right away. I would like to get a dresser though so I can put all the clothes away but thats another blog!! The girls are doing good. Getting bigger and packing an amazing punch and round house! Although I am ready to be done I need to hang in until at least 36 wks so please throw up a prayer for me :) Peanut is very excited about her sisters. We went for an ultrasound yesterday and she kept telling me she was so excited to see her sisters! How cute is she. She is growing so fast too!! I cant keep up with her shoes and clothes size. Oh and she is loving school. Everyday she asks if she is going!! Well I just wanted to write a quick update. I will post more later. Until then.....

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