Wednesday, October 22, 2008

That ONE Friend

Do you have that ONE friend who you could not talk to for a year and when you do, its like no time has passed? For me, that friend is Sara. I have know her since I was 5 years old!! Talk about some history there. Man we have had some times together! She has lived in Utah before we even graduated and we still remain friends. I was in her wedding (poor Tim, did not know what he was getting along with Sara!) She even flew down to Fresno for my baby shower with Taylor. I went to Utah for her baby shower and yet we have never met eachothers kids! So today was the day! Sara was in Fresno and decided to drive four hours out of the way to say hi for a few hours before they drove all the way back home. I'm sure Tim was thinking, thanks Donel! LOL! It was so great to see her. Its been almost two years since we have last seen eachother but we talk on the phone. Well lets say I do all the calling LOL! It was just like she lived next door and no time has passed.... well besides she has an almost two year old, I have a four year old and twins that are now two months!! Man how time goes by. Well here is to old memories and now new ones! Peace out Roland (thats for you Tim)!!

1 comment:

Cherish said...

That is too cool! Those types of friends are the BEST!