Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Am Blessed

My cup overflows. My life is blessed. I have an amazing family. I have the love of the most amazing husband ever. I know with God first and him by my side there is NOTHING I cannot do. I have 3 beautiful , healthy girls who never cease to amaze me. They shower me with love and show me the face of Jesus when least expect it. I have wonderful friends who have been the hands of Jesus in serving me these last few weeks while my life has been a whirlwind. Things are tight, but we do not go without. God has been and is so good. Once more I must say,,,,, I am blessed!


Cherish said...

I am so happy for you and I love hearing the positivity in your posts! You are doing amazing and I think I forgot to tell you how great you looked when I say you last week!

The Turners said...

Not sure if I can leave my email here or not- I lost your # too when I dropped my cell phone in a cup of hot coffee!-
I'll leave it in a code: it's at yahoo mail and it's arizonaturner@
Then I'll give you my phone #!
Heather T.

Anonymous said...

hi mama's thanks for the credit but back to the only one who deserves it our king of kings i just see our selfs trying to be obidient to our journey.not an accident or coinsidence we where destine to meet my friend i whant you to know you rock i look up to you and love the transperency of your soul.You are a gift to my life and I thank God for meeting you and family.Thanks for the call the word the message that lift me up i cant thank you enough.for being so precent in my life.I look forward to a life full of Gods grace in our life showerd my hes love and forgiveness for our short comings.luv you friend