Tuesday, August 26, 2008

God is so good!! I'm still alive LOL

Lets just give a shout out to the Lord. Day number 6 of delivery and its 10:47am. Taylor is at school. Nick went to do a few hours of work today. Flip and Flop asleep. Two loads of laundry done, dishwasher empty and filled, I vacuumed downstairs, I SHOWERED AND BRUSHED MY TEETH!!!! (did not do hair, too hot) and am waiting for bug guy to come spray! Today is a good day, Ill take it.


Anonymous said...

Hi girl! You look amaing for just having 2 babes. You look fabulous. It must have been all that running! Hope all is well. Love you guys!
Kim Metzger

Anonymous said...

Brushing the teeth was my biggest goal and I didn't have twins! Great job! H

Joanna said...

Wow!!! You are not supposed to do any housework for at least 6 weeks! You are pretty amazing!

Paula said...

I don't know how you do it all with 2 newborns And a toddler...AND a husband...You go girl! I have prayed for you since, well, everytime you have put a new post up. I am so happy for you to have 2 new healthy baby girls! What a blessing! I will continue to pray for you and for your days to be just as great as this morning was for you!
Hugs from Fresno, Paula

Jacinda said...

Wow! That is super impressive!