Thursday, August 7, 2008


I am a crock pot! These girls are never coming out!! I am 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow and I'm not dilated or nothing. I mean its a good thing, but I want them out! My doc wont let me go past 38 wks (Aug 22) but oh my gosh the thought of that much longer just makes me want to cry. According to the ultrasound they are big, healthy and head down, ready to come out!! I have no more room to grow. I would post some pics but I have been so lazy about taking pics. To be honest, I am lazy about a lot of things these days. I get to they gym maybe once a week. It just feels like there is two bowling balls in my crotch and walking is hard to do LOL! Ok so next,,,,,My best friend Jenni came to visit me from Colorado and man it was so geat to see her. Its been a year!!! We talk all the time but it was so good to hang out. She was here for only a couple of days in hopes of maybe me going into labor, but obviously that did not happen. She rocks. She helped me clean my house. She organized my pantry and spice cabinets, mopped my floor and played with my kiddo. I was so blessed to have her here. More than she will ever know. Thanks Jen :) Ok so I cant sit that long so until the next post,,,, stay tuned :)


The Turners said...

WOW!! 36 weeks is awesome- I'm sure you are ready to meet those girls! I keep checking back to see a post that you're on your way to deliver or the girls have arrived!
Keep us updated!

Imani said...

Hi, I ran across your blog while viewing someone else's. The title intrigued me, so here I am. I am 23 weeks preg with "1" boy, so believe me, I understand. This is our 3rd in 4 yrs and already I am ready for this process to be over. Anyhow, I just wanted to say God bless you and your family. I pray that you have a quick and uneventful delivery.

Anonymous said...

Give us an update. I am dying to know. H

Jacinda said...

So are there babies yet? You're killing me. I've got to see pictures!